Safety and Transportation
ADR safety advisor, ITC 11 Safety Plans, ITC 10 Major Accidents Prevention Plan…

ITC 11 Safety plan – Technical assistance in developing safety plans
Addressed to: Manufacturers, importers and assembling and display companies.
This service includes the Safety plan development in collaboration with Private Security hired by the Pyrotechnic company. The safety plan written according to what is established in the ITC 11 in the Pyrotechnic Articles and Cartridges Regulation for new facilities or substantial changes in the existing ones.

ITC 10 RAPyC: Management System for Major Accidents Prevention
Addressed to: Manufacturers, importers and assembling and display companies.
This service includes the development of the documentation required by ITC 10 with reference to major accidents prevention.
This service differs from Umbral I or Umbral II companies. In both cases, it includes the development of all the necessary documentation, the counselling for implementation, assistance for the inspection coming from the Ministry and the subsequent Corrective Action plan.

OHSAS 18001 – Working risks prevention Management System
Addressed to: Manufacturers, Manufacturers, importers and assembling and display companies.
This norm provides a proactive model for the safety and health management in a working place, which allows on one side to identify and evaluate the working risks, as well as legal requirements. On the other side it defines the organizational structure, responsibilities, functions, activity planning, processes and procedures, necessary means, registers, etc, that allow to develop, put into practice and revise and maintain a Working Safety and Health Policy.

The publication of the new Pyrotechnic Articles and Cartridges Regulation introduced specific requirements in the machineries for pyrotechnics that need to be taken into considerations for its legalization. These requirements are established in ITC 14 and in ITC 13. Other than this, it is necessary to consider the need to make a suitability agreement with RD 1215/97 for machineries built before 1995 or a CE Record for the machineries built after that year.
Our technicians have a long experience in pyrotechnic machineries legalization y and other fields as well.

MANINTENANCE – Outsourcing of administrative functions for safety and health management
Addressed to: Manufacturers, importers and assembling and display companies.
This service includes support to the company in administrative functions associated to Civil Safety Plan, Major Risk Prevention Plan and Working Risks Prevention Management System.
Our technicians make recurring visits to bring the necessary documents up date, make internal audits and inspections when required, support the company during the visits of competent authorities, develop correcting actions and make their follow-up when required, etc.

SAFETY ADVISOR RD 1566/99 – Outsourcing of the Safety Counseller function
Addressed to: Manufacturers, importers and assembling and display companies.
This service is offered to comply with the requirements of article 7 of the RD 1566/99 for those companies that do not have a safety advisor in their staff.
The service includes:
- Verification of compliance with hazardous material transportation regulations.
- Counselling in hazardous material transportation operations.
- Annual Report about the company’s activities.