Regulatory Assistance

Legal counselling in pyrotechnics, transport and environment, Law of data protection.

LEGAL AUDIT – Evaluation of compliance with the regulation requirements

Addressed to: Manufacturers, importers and assembling and display companies.

The Pyrotechnic Articles and Cartridges Regulation (RAPyC) approved by RD 563/2010 and amended by RD 1335/2012, brings a great quantity of mandatory changes for the companies in the pyrotechnic field. RAPyC establishes the application deadlines of the different ITCs part of RAPyC themselves

The best way to adequate the company to the new requirements is to make an evaluation of the actual state of the agreement with the future requirements. This evaluation offers a picture of the company that allows to determine all the needed actions in order to comply with the regulations.

This tool allows companies to save a big quantity of money by letting us realize an action plan in a rational and objective way.

LEGAL COUNSELLING IN PYROTECHNICS – RD 563/2010 amended by RD 1335/2012

Addressed to: Manufacturers, importers and assembling and display companies.

This service includes assistance to the companies to write the Administrative Resources to avoid sanctions from the Industry and Energy Departments of the Governmental Delegations or from the Weapons and Explosives Inspectorates.

This service can be agreed for each concrete proceeding or as a maintenance contract.


Our technicians will help you get a professional solution tailored to your project.