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APQ, SEVESO III, ATEX, Transport of Dangerous Goods, Auto protection Plans.

apq almacenamiento productos quimicos


Addressed to: Companies that store chemical products.

In Integra STI / Pyrolab we have the experience and capacity to offer the following services for industries that store chemical products, both in moving containers and in warehouses:

  • Evaluation of the implementation of the new APQ.
  • Evaluation of the existing facilities to store chemical products:
    • Requirements compliance analysis.
    • Corrective actions / improvement of storing facilities suggestions.
  • Report and/or project writing for the adaption and authentication of the APQ facilities according to the new regulations.
  • Custom made training for personnel that handles, stores and unloads chemical products.

On June 23rd, 2017 the Minister Council approved a new Regulation regarding the Storage of Chemical Products (APQ).

This new Regulation will be applied to all the companies that store Chemical Products both in moving containers and warehouses starting from reduced quantities. For example, starting from 50 liters of flammable liquids with a risk factor of H224 or H225.

Main news:

  • The new APQ uses a classification of chemical products established in the December 16th, 2008 Regulation (CE) nº 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and Council, regarding the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and blends, known as CLP Regulation.
  • Publication of the new ITC-MIE-APQ 10, that for the first time regulates the deposit of chemical products in moving containers (bottles, jerrycans, bags, GRGs, IBCs…)

The new ITC-MIE-APQ 10 regulation, brings out for the first time, clear requirements for the storage of chemical products in moving containers. Many companies to which no specific requirement is applied, will be affected by the new APQ.

seveso iii


Addressed to: companies that manufacture or produce hazardous products in the minimum quantities established in the SEVESO III..

In Pyrolab / Integra STI, we are well experienced and capable to offer the following services to companies that are affected by the SEVESO III Directive (September 21st, RD 840/2015, that approves cautionary actions regarding risks related to major accidents in which hazardous products take part):

Counselling in the composition and implementation of:

  • Calculation of SEVESO affecting levels.
  • Major Accidents Notification.
  • Major Accidents Prevention Policy (MAPP)
  • Safety Management System (SMS)
  • Risk Assessment (RA)
  • Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA)
  • Internal Emergency Plan or Self-Protection Plan (IEP)
  • Municipal Action Plan (MAP)
  • Safety Report (SR)



Addressed to: companies that handle flammable and/or combustible substances or that generate environments susceptible to combustion in their working operations.

The ATEX legislation has two main goals:

  1. Defining the construction requirements and the certification of the means that will be used in explosive atmospheres, defined in Directive 94/9/CE (ATEX-100), transposed through RD 400/1996 related to the use of devices in a potentially explosive atmosphere.
  2. Establishing the prevention measures in the working environments in which explosive atmospheres are generated, developed in Directive 99/92/CE (ATEX-137), transposed through the Royal Decree 681/2009 regarding health and safety protection of workers exposed to the risks coming from the presence of explosive atmosphere in the working place.

In Integra STI / Pyrolab, we are well experienced and capable to offer the following services to companies affected by the ATEX Directives:

  • Elaboration and update of the Explosion Protection Document.
  • Classification of areas with explosion risk.
  • Planning and support for the implementation of precautionary measures.
  • Inspection of the ATEX facilities.
  • Custom made training for workers, technicians and managers.



Addressed to: Companies that handle, load, unload and/or carry dangerous goods

This service is offered to those companies that do not have a safety counselor in their staff and to give a specialized counselling to all the companies that handle or carry dangerous goods, in order to comply with the requirements of February 14th RD 97/2014, in which the carriage operations of dangerous goods by road in the Spanish territory are regulated.

In Pyrolab, we are well experienced and capable to offer the following services related to the carriage of dangerous goods:

  • Examine the compliance with the carriage of dangerous goods regulation.
  • Counselling for the carriage of dangerous goods operations.
  • Outsourcing of the safety counsellor.
  • Composition of the Annual Report for company’s activities.
  • Custom made training for the staff that loads, unloads or carries dangerous goods.
  • Multimodal counselling for dangerous goods carriage.
  • Technical assistance in the planning of packaging for the carriage of dangerous goods.
planes de autoprotección


Addressed to: companies whose activities include Annex I of RD 393/2007 for which the Basic Norm of Self-Protection has been approved

The Self-Protection Plan is a document that establishes the organic and functional framework planned for a settlement, an establishment, a space, a facility or department, with the function of preventing and controlling the risks for people or goods and give an appropriate answer to any kind of emergency situation in the area under the responsibility of the manager of the company, guaranteeing the inclusion of these actions with the public safety system.

The Self-Protection Plan approaches the identification and evaluation of risks, the needed actions and means in order to prevent and control risks, as well as the measures of protection and other actions to adopt in case of emergency.

Nevertheless, this plan shall not be considered only as a document, but as an activity plan that includes:

  • The implementation of a plan through courses and simulations
  • The update of the document based on the conclusions deriving from the simulations.

For these reasons, the Self-Protection Plan is much more than a document needed to obtain a permit or an authorization in order to start an activity.

In Pyrolab / Integra STI, we have trained and qualified staff for the following services related to self-protection plans:

  • Composition of self-protection plans.
  • Custom made training for the implementation of self-protection plans.
  • Support in simulations and update of the plans according to the results.


Our technicians will help you obtain a professional custom-made solution for your project.